Monday, May 31, 2010

life is a priority......LIVE IT!

I am sorry Friends life has been so up and down for the last 8 months due to multiple misdiagnosis. It gets easier every day to just keep enjoying every next day awarded to you.

**Your Life really does flash before your eyes when you are at your most vulnerable point in your life and you really do not think it could possibly get any worse.

But the signs told me you can do it. you are ment to be something special dont waste that wonderful talent. I am ment to do good, have fun and explore the world one crazy chatastropy at a time.

Untill my next day I will start a daily blog and try to fill in the blanks because soon my story will be published and I will no longer feel insecure about my illness. I am not crazy, bipolar, add or whatever you label me.